Meet Chen-Wen!
Chen-Wen is from Taiwan and has been living in Copenhagen for just over a year! She has lived in six cities across four countries over the last ten years - we feel very lucky to have her as part of our community in Copenhagen! Her natural curiosity and international background undoubtedly play a key part in her role working for the United Nations. 🌎 When she's not working you can find her hanging out with her housemates and staying active outdoors in nature!
What are your favourite things about living in Copenhagen?
The nature, both forest and sea, are almost at your doorstep!

Do you have a favourite memory with your housemates at LifeX to share?
I love my housemates 🙂 Every movie night, Euro Cup match night, Rick and Morty night, Yo Burger night, party night and some cooking time together warms my heart and energises me. 😁
What will we catch you doing on the weekend?
Cycling, hiking, working out or hanging out with friends! I always like to know more about communications technology & sustainability and I'm keen to learn some new sports!

What’s your occupation? What do you enjoy the most about it?
I worked for the United Nations as a communications professional. I'm always being reminded that this world has so so much to improve and we are really the lucky ones.
What will we catch you doing on the weekend?
Cycling, hiking, working out or hanging out with friends!

What are your go-to guilty pleasures?
Burger/Kebab + drinks. Oops.
Do you miss anything about your home country?
I’ve been living in six cities (Taipei, Beijing, Hong Kong, London, Bangkok and now Copenhagen) in the past decade so I am quite used to the change - but I always miss my family members, friends and food. 🙂

Anything else about you that I didn’t ask that you’d like to share?
Come to one of our house parties!
If you’re interested in joining the LifeX community, check out our available homes here and sign up to chat with our team who will help you find the best home for you! We have homes (and more amazing members like Chen-Wen) in Copenhagen, London, Paris, Munich, and Berlin!